RELEVANT PDF'S AND ARTICLES available for downloading:
Rangeland Rehydration 1: Field Guide
Rangeland Rehydration 2: Manual
EMU and Permaculture. Notes by Ken Tinley 2016
Ethiopia_gully rehabilitation.pdf
Manta Palyakutu for ARSv3 full paper v2 submitted
Managing Outback Tracks, Hugh Pringle & Mez Clunies-Ross
Provenza RANGELANDS paper final 2013
HPRINGLE - PHD - Thesis - Final - Scrub invasion of Open Grasslands: Soil Moisture Balance.
Coastal Dunes of South Africa KL Tinley
The Maintenance of Wilderness Diversity in Africa, KL Tinley 1979 - from Voices of the Wilderness edited by Ian Player. Proceedings of the First World Wilderness Congress. Johannesburg 1977.
Ken Tinley, Londolozi Game Reserve: Youtube
CLMA = Centralian Land Management Association
SAALNRMB = South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board
NT Govt = Northern Territory Government
AWNRM = Alinytljara Wiluara Natural Resources Management Board
CLC = Central Lands Council
Rangelands NRM, Western Australia. Lotteries House, PO Box 1868, Broome WA 6725.